Calost Personal Statement

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I am thrilled at the opportunity to potentially help CalOST in their exciting role on the boundary between California science and policy. The main challenge for an effective boundary organization revolves around effective communication and collaboration; translating policy needs to enable scientists (or CalOST) to design projects to fill those needs, and distilling science into important nuggets for a time poor easily distracted audience. My career to date has focused on this interplay between science communication and science for policy makers, translating science for general / policy audiences and coordinating research projects designed specifically for policy makers. I’m not only used to wearing many hats, I enjoy it; I thrive in an environment …show more content…

I have experience building networks of scientists, state and federal agency contacts and engaging those contacts at meetings and workshops designed to solicit knowledge, communicate project goals and serve as a central location where policy makers, stakeholders and scientists can work together to better site offshore renewable energy areas. This work involved creating a savvy communication strategy developed iteratively over 3 years and taught me valuable lessons in clear communication regarding: working with partners on high level problems, the acceptance of technology in stakeholder situations, and communicating work to on the ground agencies and stakeholder groups. Communication is an art, and I have learned quickly that engaging visual data e.g. maps and infographics, combined with simply stated facts rather than lengthy prose, is very effective for general and policy dissemination. To illustrate this point I have created a ‘geo-resume’ for you to peruse should you wish to. In addition to my communication and collaboration skills, I have worked primarily in organizations where I was able to maintain a foothold in research with a technical grounding around GIS, database and website development. This has kept me abreast of current tools related to policy issues around marine spatial planning, and climate change effects focusing on their potential

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