Camp Green Lake Stanley Yelnats Character Traits

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Character Analysis of the changes that happen inside of Stanley Yelnats Stanley Yelnats is the victim of misfortune. Stanley is now sent to one of the most horrific camps of all time, Camp Green Lake. Camp Green Lake is a deadly boys detention center which makes boys dig holes all day. Stanley Yelnats has been accused of a crime he didn’t do and also sadly came from one of the most unfortunate families, the Yelnats. Stanley adapts vigorously throughout the story and goes from a fearful little boy into a fearless man of survival. Stanley used to be fearful when he frst came to Camp Green Lake due to his timidness and lack of lack of knowing basic survival skills. “He stayed in the tent so Squid and the other boys boys wouldn make fun of him …show more content…

“He thought only about each step, about never giving up.”(Sachar 170). Stanley tries focusing at the task at hand and wants to minimize all fear. Stanley is focused on one goal when he climbs up the mountain, the willpower to survive. Stanley also tries to brace himself and his mind is clear and precise about each step he takes in order to survive. “He figured he could handle the pain.”(Sachar 163) Stanley tries to avoid minor injuries and objects that might distract him during his climb up the mountain. Survival is now Stanley’s top priority, living to see his parents his top priority. Stanley determines that survival is the key for him to live any longer to see his parents again. Stanle gains bravery and clears his mind of all things except the mountain. “He concentrated on each step, carefully raising and setting down each foot.”(Sachar 270). Stanley believes that even the smallest things such as raising a foot and grasping it onto a rock is important or else he will fall down to his death and won’t be able to see his parents ever again. Stanley is always commited to a goal since he is now fearless, such as right now he is trying to find “refuge on God’s thumb.” Stanley hopes to achieve his goals and believes continously that taking risks is important if you want to be a