Camus Absurd Reasoning

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Absurdity is an overarching theme in all of Camus, but nowhere is it explicated more so than in the chapter ‘Absurd Reasoning’. Whatever your path in life we are all bound to come across the Absurd at some point. It is simply inevitable as at some point we each question the reasons for doing things as we do, for acting in certain ways, for being. The stage-sets collapse. Rising, tram, four hours in the office or factory, meal, tram, four hours of work, meal, sleep…this path is easily followed most of the time. But one day the ‘why’ arises and everything begins in that weariness tinged with amazement. (Camus, MoS, pp.11) This “weariness” is what reveals the issue to oneself. To be weary is to be exhausted, fatigued. Camus suggests that the