Can Go Vision Statement

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1.Can Go’s Company does not have a clear Vision or Mission Statement. Issue: There is not a clear mission and vision statement for employees and management to follow. The company took the trial and error approach for emerging to a new venture of online gaming market without analyzing if the merge will fit into the vision and goals of the company. Recommendations: Our team recommendation for Can Go Company is to develop a mission/vision statement with the cooperation of the staff that will identify the company’s culture and goals. The purpose and importance of Mission and Vision statement for the implementation of the online gaming is to clarify the purpose and primary, identify objectives to the management and employees. The mission and vision …show more content…

When taking on the online gaming portion of the company, the image of Can Go has started to change and they are taking on a new direction quite quickly. The company wanted to add on to its brand in a little over 5 weeks without much research or development done prior to the addition. This change can confuse their employees and even their current management team about the objectives of the company. Are they going to add new sectors to the business without thinking? Have they researched areas of opportunity? Does the company have the capacity to make this change? All of these are potential questions from the employees of the company as Can Go takes on a new image. If the whole team isn’t on the same page, it is hard for them all to work towards the common goal. The executives of Can Go need to take a step back and assess where they are and where they want to go in the future. They should create short term, medium term, and long term goals for the company. Furthermore a clear and decisive mission statement will define the company and its goals, as well as allow the employees understand the direction of the …show more content…

The final deadline date helps with a part of the expectations but the management team was lacking in creating goals for the employees to work towards. On top of that they were given little direction rather than to fine the right software and hardware. If the management team were to prioritize or assisting in prioritizing the tasks within the project, there is a better chance that they will be successful. To help solve these problems, the managers of Can Go were to utilize a Gantt chart to help the team prioritize the task. This will define the timeline of the project, put the more critical tasks that need finished first, and also keep everyone on the same

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