Can Sue Over Restrooms By Moriah Balingit

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What if you were constantly misgendered, misunderstood, and being criticized by others? Would you feel assaulted? Well, this is what tons of transgender people have to deal with on a daily bases. Now, if you are wondering what transgender means, it means, you want to be the opposite sex, on the inside and out. There are a lot of issues on this subject, such as discrimination, which bathrooms transgender people use, and what principles are doing about it. First off, law and discrimination issues are big problems in modern day. Protests happen almost everyday about this issue, and the protests can get extremely ugly, but people on the other side of this issue, say that negative protests are very necessary, because they get the point across. …show more content…

I believe that they should use whichever bathroom they most comfortable in, but the opposite side say, the other people feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with transgendered people. These people who feel uncomfortable, are being heard the most, because they are the majority of the people who feel this, though the transgender people are the ones who need the most attention as they are discriminated everyday. According to the article, Transgender Student in Va. Can Sue over Restrooms by Moriah Balingit, it talks about how one student, by the name of Gavin Grimm, took the educational department of his school district, to court on grounds of discrimination. This was a very big step in the transgender movement, because it brought more awareness to the bathroom issue. Locker rooms are also an issue for transgender people, because some transgender people aren’t allowed to go to the locker rooms that they feel that they should use. It is stated in the article, Directive on Transgender Students Divides Educators, Parents and Politicians, By Emma Brown, Moriah Balingit and Sarah Larimer, that the Obama administration passed a bill, that now states that the school teachers must allow the children to use the locker rooms, and bathrooms, that match their gender identities. This is one of the main issues in the transgender movement, and people …show more content…

The article, Coaches Set Tone by Erik Brady, says this coach had gay athletes and some of the players were afraid of them but the coach said, “Some might be gay but put it this way, if you can play ball that is all I care about.” This very closely relates to the transgender issues, so this coach sets a good example, because other coaches would have cut the gay players from the team, but everyone should try to be as accepting as that coach. The article, Coaches Set Tone By Erik Brady and Scott Gleeson, makes many valid points, like how if transgender people are actually playing and helping the team, why does it matter sex they were born as at birth. These aspiring athletes could be turned away, just because they are now a different gender, than they were assigned at

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