Can We Make A Golden Rule Work For Everyone?

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Can we humans make a golden rule that can work for everyone? If so what is this golden rule, we must follow? First we need to understand what a “golden rule” is. According to “Merriam Webster” the golden rule is “a rule of ethical conduct referring to Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31: do to others as you would have them do to you”. This indicates the golden rule goes back from biblical times that represent how all humans should react towards one and other. Philosophers such as Protagoras and Jesus tried to create a rule that works for everyone with their ideology. Although, they had great ideas for golden rule, doesn't mean there isn't a fault within them. Additionally, Protagoras three step rule self-regarding action (how does it affected you), …show more content…

Even in the dictionary the golden rule is referenced by what Jesus had said “do to others as you would have they do to you”. This principle teaches people to treat others the way they like to be treated. For example, if a person wants to be treated with respect, they should give respect to the people around them. Moreover, this rule can be used for if everyone in society follows along with good morals. For insistence, if everyone gave respect to each other, society would be more thoughtful than it is now. The difficulty with this belief is it only teaches people how to treat other (other-directed action), but not necessarily how people should treat themselves (self-regarding action). For instance, if an individual chooses to do drugs or smoke for relaxation it’s good for now. Eventually, harmful substances in the body cause health problems or …show more content…

This means, anything that a person does that makes them successful is good or otherwise it is bad. This principle is problematic, not every human action that succeeds is necessarily good. For instance, a person becomes rich after murdering their parents for instance money and gets away with the crime. If the goal is to be rich (self-regarding action), this person must risk of getting caught and other family members’ grief over the loss of a loved one (other-directed action). If this person doesn't care about going to jail or family member’s pain, they should murder their parents. Yet, if more the one person can do same crime and they benefit from it without getting charged with murder then maybe people should kill their parents. If individuals can succeed at crime without taking responsibility for their actions, then society would be dysfunctional. On a side note, Protagoras didn't differentiate long terms and short term goals. The incident I mention earlier, people would not know rather or not the act of murder and not receiving no penalties for it is a short and/or long term

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