From 1945 to 1982, Canada looked to become not only trustworthy trading partners with the U.S, but trustworthy military collaborates with them. With the commencement of the Cold War, both Canada and the United States had to stop, control, and protect the North Atlantic Community from soviet attacks and the spread of communism. A way in which Canada and the United States strengthened their relations during the Cold War was through NATO. Since “The USSR pursued a policy of aggressive military expansion at home and subversion abroad,” the United States and Canada feared Soviets would impose communism on countries such as France, Italy, and Germany. As a result, a military alliance called NATO created between Canada, the United States, Britain, …show more content…
NORAD, established in 1958, created a single air defense system for all of North America. As a result, all North American civilians remained safe and no aerial space attack threatened Canada or the United States. On the other hand, the Bomarc Missile Crisis was a relation that tested Canadian and American relations but still kept it surviving. After establishing NORAD, the United States gave Canada recommended missiles and aircraft needed to protect Canadian air space. The United States had an exception: “The United States [were] to deploy a line of Bomarc air defence missile sites along the Canadian border, a location that was extremely problematic from a Canadian perspective.” Canada wanted to establish their way of using the warheads and did not want either American control of the weapons or their military presence to harm Canada in any way. Although tension rose between Canada and the United States, Canada went on to support the United States in their military actions. In conclusion, from 1945 to 1982, the Cold war marked one of the greatest contributions to Canadian/American relations. The same can be said of the Middle Eastern crisis of the early twentieth