Candice Andrews: Living The Adventure

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Living the Adventure What would come to mind if someone heard the word adventure? They will usually revert to thoughts of jumping out of planes or climbing large mountains. Adventure can be those types of extreme sports, but I want to take a different perspective on the whole idea of adventuring and explain what living the adventure can mean. Finding one’s adventurous spirit and the courage to embrace uncertainty enhances one’s daily life. Adventuring improves people’s every day lives because it keeps them healthy. Candice Andrews is an award-winning nature and travel topics author, she has also traveled around the world and is a web columnist for several eco-publications. Andrews talks about many benefits from adventuring in her article, “Ten …show more content…

There is always the possibility that something bad could happen while adventuring like getting lost; this goes with in state and out of country adventures. There is a possibility of getting lost but sooner or later someone will be able to help point them in the right direction. Many people are also afraid of the possibility of making mistakes while traveling or adventuring in a new area. Mistakes are not a sign of weakness they are signs of growth, making mistakes and learning from them are half the fun: people should enjoy the journey no matter where it takes them. Adventures can also be outside of people’s comfort zones causing them to never adventure because they are comfortable right where they are at. People need to remember that everything they learn and how they grow in life is about going out of their comfort zones and if people have a hard time allowing themselves to go out and do things they have never tried before life is going to become very small. People can also get caught up in the fear of the unknown, and they do not know what is out there so they decide to stay put instead of seeing this vast world and truly experience all the beauty around …show more content…

Denis Waitley is an author of self-help books and is an American motivational speaker. He explains that “life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk [people] should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.” Someone could be walking down the street and get hit by a car or be playing a sport, and they could break their leg and from that moment forward their whole life would change. Doing nothing at all is much worse than possibly getting lost in a new area. Robin Krieglstein is the Founder and CEO of Goal Tribe an advanced goal achievement social network. She talks about living a life full of adventure in her article, “How to Live a Life of High Adventure”. Krieglstein has visited 20% of the world's countries and circled the globe twice. She has great knowledge on the subject of fear saying that “overcoming your fears is half the fun of adventuring... And when it passes, and you realize you are still standing, you feel a great sense of accomplishment.” When people conquer their fears there is a sense of accomplishment and a yearning desire to do it again. People can reflect on those adventures where they overcame a fear and realize that it has made them better people in the end. If people let their lives pass them by and stay familiar with their surroundings it can

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