Capitalism, Communism And Mercantilism In England

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Mid Term England was a nation seeking to increase its wealth and power. The upper class saw an opportunity to increase their individual wealth. The poor wanted to find a better way of life. Capitalism was seen as a way to obtain these goals. Religion, revolts and new sciences made Capitalism in England possible. The English were able to take advantage of these events. A catholic priest named Martin Luther protested against corruption in the Catholic Church and was excommunicated for his actions. He started his own church and the creation of other protestant denominations soon followed, this became a period of protest against the current corruption in the Catholic Church. Protestants believed in an individual relationship with God …show more content…

The Puritans agreed and King Charles ll is restored to the throne. Mercantilism is short lived with the death of the King and the exile of his brother James, Duke of New York. Parliament ensures that the monarchy will not gain full control by creating the English Bill of Rights. The bill protects the interests and wealth of the people. The English also took steps to protect their profits by enacting laws that allowed them to export more product than was imported. They abolished slavery not because it was immoral but because it caused a financial loss on their competitors by reducing their labor force. They placed taxes on highly marketable imports like Rum. This increased revenue while limiting the amount of foreign goods available to the English …show more content…

The theory proved the Catholic view known as the Geometric Theory was wrong. The catholic view stated the earth was at the center and everything else revolved around it. The Heliocentric Theory proved the earth and other heavenly bodies revolved around the sun. The majority of the humanists belonged to the Church of England or Anglicans. This religion was created when King Henry Vlll broke away from the Catholic Church after it refused to grant him a divorce. The Anglicans, fearing no retaliation from the Catholic Church also concentrated on things related to nature such as gravity, and hydraulics, this was referred to as the Concept of Natural Law. The English borrowed technology form other cultures they traded with. The Chinese introduced them to new technologies such as math and calculations. Capitalists benefited from scientific methods also. Isaac Newton created a new set of intricate mathematics. The new math was applied to industries involving biology, chemistry and hydraulics. England needed a navigation clock in order to travel across the oceans effectively. A financial gain was promised to the person who could create a navigation clock. John Harrison a carpenter, using measurements and math invented a working navigation instrument in

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