Capitalism Vs Communism Essay

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At this day, most people are confused about the People’s Republic of China. Is China communist or capitalist? Communism is an economic system characterized by common ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the benefit of all society. The means of production (land, factories, others...) are controlled by the government and operated for the benefit of everyone. Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are controlled by individuals who operate them for the benefit of themselves. Today, someone could say that the People’s Republic of China is a communist nation, without the communism because China has a free market although the people are watched over by the government. Communism is also system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single party holds power, claiming to make progress towards a society in which all goods are shared equally by the people. In a …show more content…

China was a totalitarian state, the government controlled every aspect of citizens lives through a single-party dictatorship. China’s government has been brainwashing the people, making Mao Zedong seem like a god. Mao Zedong’s goals for China were to end oppression of the poor by the wealthy and landowners; economic equality, to end China’s humiliation at the hands of foreign powers: make China strong by industrializing and modernizing, and restore order. He proclaims this going to work. The Chinese Communist Party controls all aspects of the economy, so it can reward supporters and punish those who oppose it. Also, through force and intimidation. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) silenced critics and enforced the law. Another way is through propaganda. The government owned property, controlled money, making this seem

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