
Car Wreck Research Papers

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Diane had given me a book to read about a family who were in a car wreck. I was bothered at first about the book, but read it anyhow. In the book, the mother of a daughter severely injured had to come to a place of surrendering her daughter to Jesus, whether she lived or died. In all the years of fighting for Miranda to live, I never surrender her life to Jesus at the level of letting go completely– even if she died. This particular trauma brought me to my knees. I had watched Miranda suffer in hospitals, with illness, through surgeries, and seen her never let go of her own hope in Christ. When the car wreck from July 22, 2016, took away her hope, it was devastating to my heart. I heard my daughter, for the first time in her life, question …show more content…

I dealt with the post-traumatic stress by praying, cleaning, and taking care of Miranda. Also, I suffered with night terrors which I used praise music to combat my fears. Kevin was still battling with Multiple Sclerosis in the form of NMO, Devic’s Disease; and, he did not want to deal with the reality of the fact Miranda had been injured in a life altering way due to the car wreck. So, he stayed in bed most of the time which was not unusual for Kevin prior to the car wreck. My neck was destroyed by a low impact rear end car wreck; therefore, we all had too many memories and concerns because we had walked this path before. Even Brandon knew from experience what a damage a car wreck can do to the human body. Brandon and Miranda began counseling with one of Miranda’s professors, who was a trained counselor, to work through their post-traumatic …show more content…

But, it was not. Miranda’s medical bills were out extremely high, due to the damage to her body from the car wreck. Once again, Miranda tried to simply settle with the car insurance; however, they did not settle – even though her bills justified settlement, and it was well documented she may need more neurosurgery after her neck healed. Brandon and Miranda obtained a lawyer, and put the car wreck settlement on a shelf. They paid all the bills they could, and communicated with all the doctors, hospitals, and places she received treatment to let everyone know they were forced by the car insurance to obtain a lawyer to receive a settlement to pay all the bills and obtain money to reimburse her health insurance. Our family had already been through this ordeal enough to realize, when you are injured in a car wreck most likely you will need a lawyer. Miranda and Brandon did what they had to do, and went on with life. I had concerns about all Brandon had to do on his own. Taking care of Miranda was a full-time job, and he was in college, working part-time, as well as earning a lot of volunteer hours. But, Brandon did it with excellence. He took care of all the household duties, yard, Miranda, doctor appointments, and his school work. Brandon was truly amazing. At the end of November, I was praying when God moved in my heart concerning Miranda. I just had a sudden knowing she

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