Carbon In Pulp Literature Review

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LITERATURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION This chapter covers the gold cyanidation process (Carbon in Pulp), the chemistry and kinetics of leaching, phenomena in gold leaching and the factors affecting leaching phenomena. THE CARBON IN PULP PROCESS The carbon-in-pulp (CIP) process, which was developed to its present form in South Africa during the 1970s, is considered to be the most significant advance in gold recovery technology in recent years. Using CIP, the minute (but economically important) quantity of gold that remained in the barren solutions and solid residues from conventional processing can be recovered. In the CIP process, activated carbon is used to adsorb the gold directly from the cyanided pulp in a series of large adsorption tanks. Pulp flows continually from the first vessel to the last in the series, and the carbon is transferred intermittently by pumping in the opposite (countercurrent) direction. Interstage screens between the tanks prevent the carbon from moving downstream. The gold value of the pulp decreases downstream, and the gold loading on the carbon increases upstream, with the highest value in the first tank. In a variation to this method, termed carbon-in-leach (CIL), leaching and adsorption are done in the same series of tanks. Today, cyanide leaching is the method ofchoice for the recovery ofmost ofthe world 's gold production.It all started with the reaIization by MacArthur and the Forrest Brothers in the 1890 's that gold and silver dissolved in

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