Cartoon Analysis Of Sectarianism In The Arab World

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This cartoon provokes sectarianism in the Arab world and make fun of it; This will make Sectarian individuals feel for their sectarianism in a way that is not so obvious. Sectarianism has not always been in the Arab world but it come in the 19th century with western colonization that used the logic divide and rule to conquer the people. Usually sectarianism and bigotry are strategies used to divide the nation and to wake any ethnics and religious differences and make them conscious about it. In some Arab countries there is racism and hate among some religious sets such as Christians, Muslim groups like Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites and Druze and others. In this cartoon, the cartoonist remarks on sectarianism. The picture demonstrates a man asking another man: “Are you Muslim or Christians? Sunni or Shiite? Druze or Alawite? Coptic or Maronite? Orthodox or….” The second man suddenly interrupts him by replying: “I’m an Arab … Donkey!” …show more content…

Homelessness has increased due to sectarianism. The standing man is wearing a suit the other is wearing a shirt and trousers that have holes in them and his feet is bare, this shows that the standing man has money and a good life and the sitting man is poor and has nothing. There is a boy standing in front of the trashcan; he is a very famous character in the Arab world, his name is Handala as a symbol of resentment and he is a 10 years old boy that never grew

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