This supplement is a record of my actions in this investigation.
On November 15, 2015, I was assigned this case to follow up. This investigation involves Ms. Evelyn Natali Hernandez a fourteen year old female Minnie Howard School student. I contacted the Court Services Unit and spoke to Intake Officer Darnell Norman who reported Ms. Hernandez had no prior contact with the Court.
On November 16, 2015, I spoke to Lidia Hernandez (mother) who told me that her daughter was not following the rules of the home. Lidia wanted me to speak to her daughter, although she confirmed that her daughter had been behaving better. On November 19, 2015, I responded to Minnie Howard School and spoke to Officer Hill. Officer Hill reported that Lidia Hernandez had been encouraged to report as Evelyn had been gone for 2 days. Officer Hill reported that Evelyn is currently under suspension for an incident involving another student.
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I identified myself as an Alexandria Police Detective and stated the purpose of my visit. I spoke to Evelyn Hernandez in their dining room area. I used a rip assessment from as a source of my questions. Evelyn reported having a dispute with her mother and was angry. She confirmed being gone for about 2 days. Evelyn stayed with her friend Stephanie on Executive Ave but would not elaborate on a specific address. She uses an inhaler for asthma, but has no medical issues. Evelyn was not exploited or sexually assaulted during the 2 days she was away from home. Evelyn feels safe at home and used the #1 as the number to describe her safety. Evelyn told me she talks to her mentor Mr. DeAngelo if she has a problem. She denied any substance experimentation or any associations with any gang