Case Study Of Cvs And Aetna Merger

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On Sunday, a major change occurred within the healthcare industry; CVS Health agreed to buy Aetna for about $69 billion, combining one of the largest drugstore companies with one of the largest health insurance companies. This merger will create a strong figure in this changing healthcare field. Having both of these companies together allow them to help touch “the most basic health services that people regularly use” and it “provides an opportunity to benefit consumers”1. One issue that arises is this monopoly in the market. This merger essentially limits the choices customers have and can force Aetna customers to go to CVS for much of their care. CVS and Aetna officials claim that their goal is to transform the CVS pharmacies’ and clinics’ into community based sites of care, in order to help create less expensive care …show more content…

Many see this merger as a step forward to minimize the lurking competition of Amazon, who officials believe will be making a push towards the drug industry. Right now, there have been no regulations to try and block this and time will tell as to how this impacts the healthcare industry. This merger seems to be more of a defensive maneuver in order to compete with the market. Generally, I would not be too happy regarding such a huge merger like this, since CVS is, essentially, taking over everything in the market. This severely limits competition and we will see how much of a damaging effect this has on this country. At the same time, I am also a supporter of capitalism, and this is merely an example of how capitalism can change everything, which will force smaller companies to think of something innovative; this will only help the healthcare industry to create new ideas to help better serve patients and be able to compete with giants such as CVS. I definitely would like to see

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