Wedding Castle Case Study Mikel Graham

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The Wedding Castle has to deal with number of problems. The Wedding Castle received a number of complaints regarding performance of the employees, the number of sales is dropping and employees dissatisfaction is growing. The reason for that can be insufficient recruitment and selection processes and insufficient choice of the candidates. It has been advised for Mikel Graham to adopt participative style. That will allow employees to be a part of decision making processes and to be more involved in the process of the business, whereas finial decision will be made by Mikel Graham. Therefore, it is recommended for Graham to take a leading role in recruitment and selection procedure, however, in order to make a final decision regarding the possible candidate, he will be consulted with the employees, in particular with the heads of different departments. Therefore, Mikel Graham, the owner of the Wedding Castle, needs to take a leading position in this process instead of Heather Graham, as she has no direct …show more content…

Hiring, for example 7, new qualified employees will increase annual the sales (3,300,800 euro) by 3%. The net profit from the investment would be 99,024, therefore the ROI would be: ROI% = (99,024/17,000) x 100 = 482% As it can be seen investment in strategic human resource can generate a positive ROI. However, the calculation should be corrected by deducting taxes and other fees in order to get more accurate numbers. To conclude, if Mikel Graham undergoes a specific training and takes a leading role in the recruitment and selection procedure then the working conditions of the Wedding Castle will be significaly improved. The fulfilment of all positions with skilled and qualified employees, would lead to higher motivation and morale among the employees, which, in turn, would lead to higher customer satisfaction and increase in