What basis does Rita have for a course of action? Explain all legislation that may apply.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was implemented to help Rita with the course of action by filing s complaint with her employees. “Once an employees has made a complaint of discrimination, it is very important that the employer not alter any condition of his or her employment until the complaint has been resolved” (Lau, 2014, p. 374). This act as stated in the textbook, “It eliminates job discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Any act of discrimination on any of these bases is illegal” (Lau, 2012, p. 374). A company has a legal obligation to their employees to prevent harassment.
What are the steps that Rita need
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She should have reported the first time that he made sexual advancement or made her feel uncomfortable. Rita’s complaint will be on file just in case something happens later and she needs proof. Then Rita must file Title VII charges with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). “Any EECO complaint must be filed within 180 days of the alleged discriminatory act taking place” (Lau, 2012, p. 377).
If the case does go to court, what would be the likely outcome and why?
Then that means that EEOC has investigated and have decided to pursue the case. John would be fired. Other employees my come to surface explaining the same thing happened to them. Rita could keep her job and start fresh.
Suppose when Joe found out that Rita had a drug problem he became furious, because he knows that employees with drug problems tend to have higher medical costs?
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) will help Rita from being discriminated against because of her past history has a substance addition. “An employer may not discriminate against a person who has a history of drug addiction but who is not currently using drugs and who has been rehabilitated” (Chapter, n.d)
What are some ethical issues with this dilemma? What steps should you take to prevent this from occurring in your