Casey Anthony Evidence

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The story of Casey Anthony was more than odd. According to USA Today, Caylee Anthony went missing on July 15, 2008.In December of 2008, Caylee’s body was discovered in the woods near the Anthony household ( Boweman). Grandmother, Cynthia Anthony, had dialed 911 the day Caylee went missing to notify police that Casey Anthony had kidnapped the two-year-old; along with stealing a car and money. Though, it had been an odd phone call because once the car had been returned Cynthia had re-called the police saying “My daughter’s car trunk smells like there has been a dead body in it”. This is strange considering the articles of evidence found in the trunk. A strand of hair was found that was contaminated with chloroform. Sadly, due to no follicle, the evidence was not as significant. What was significant about the car is the trace of decomposition on the carpet of the trunk found by the FBI Laboratory Analysis. (Site Source—just put anything ) …show more content…

The first piece of evidence and probably the most important is the car itself. It had hair, high content levels of chloroform, and a stained paper towel with adipocere (Crime Museum). In addition to the evidence found in the car, there was more evidence like cyber-evidence. The cyber-evidence found had shown that Casey web-search information about chloroform and self defense (Crime Museum). Which give a premeditated plan. Another good, possible piece of evidence was the duct-tape found on scene where Caylee’s body was found. Crime Museum said that the duct tape was used to murder Caylee with