Casino Royale Character Analysis

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In Casino Royale by Ian Fleming, James Bond’s circumstances lead him to challenge different facets of his identity, but the betrayal of Vesper remind him that he is most at peace when he is his cold, heartless self. One aspect of Bond’s personality that develops is his stoic way of expression. As he fosters a relationship with Vesper, his façade seems to soften. When he is tortured by Le Chiffre, his commanding presence is weakened to such a low physical point that he even reconsiders his career. Secondly, Bond believes that justice is quantitative until his interaction with Le Chiffre causes him to doubt his own cause. Finally, Bond’s idea that women are predictable is flipped on its head when he is betrayed by Vesper, with whom he pursues an intimate relationship. Ultimately, it is this last experience that dictates the final product of James Bond’s character. Originally, James Bond is dedicated to his work and approaches his mission in a harsh, focused manner. Bond is “used to oblique control and rather like[s] it” (Fleming 5). He prides himself on his masculinity and clear-cut morals. He is supremely confident in his own capabilities to be successful and accomplish the mission as he often thinks how he “would have preferred to work alone” (20). With unabashed self-assurance, Bond describes to Vesper how the game of baccarat is played and how he plans to win. After he initially loses, Bond is described as “frozen with defeat” and “avoiding the commiserating eyes of