Castaway Animal Shelter Essay

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When trying to relax and watch television the last thing anyone wants to see is images of homeless and injured animals. So typically people fumble to grab the remote and change the channel before they get pulled in by the troubled faces, but if you look past the gloomy music and listen to the message behind the images you will find that this commercial is for an amazing cause. Nearly 8 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year in America (ASPCA). This is a serious problem that not many people are paying attention to, but the great people at Castaway Animal Rescue Effort are trying to change the way people do shelters. According the ASPCA, there are about 13,000 community shelters nationwide that are independent. There are no national organization monitoring these shelters, resulting in little regulations. Shelters that use common names such as the Humane Society and “SPCA” are examples of community shelters. The ASPCA website also goes on to explain that approximately 8-12 million companion pets enter animal shelters nationwide every year and approximately 5-9 million are euthanized, 60% of dogs and 70% of cats (ASPCA). However, not all shelters participate …show more content…

While other shelters confine their animals in cages with little play time and interaction, the C.A.R.E facility believes in having large yards and play areas so that their animals can have cage-less freedom to run and play (Castaway). This shelter facility has been open since 1992 and to this day is a highly respected animal shelter for their dedication in saving animals’ lives with the non-euthanizing program. Hopefully shelters all over America can take their lead and we can build a better reputation for animal shelters and can make a difference in the

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