campus and an aspect of the survey will be if they have the app and actively use it. An incentive to download and use the app will be the admittance into a contest that they could win a range of prizes. The main concept of Cat Call is that it will allow users to trust friends or not-trust certain users who have the app and when they become too far from a trusted user or enter into area predesignated as unsafe, a cat call will be sent out with their current location to trusted users that alerts them that something may be wrong. Specific users will not know if someone has designated them as trusted or not trusted. What if someone does not have the app you ask? The Cat Call has the ability to pick up signals from other phones with or without …show more content…
In 2011, the Offices of the Vice President, the Department of Health and Human Services and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy put out the “Apps against Abuse" challenge (Summers). The government saw the changing environment and realized there was a need for a new approach to dealing with sexual violence and abuse. Many apps grew out of this challenge. Some apps provided students with services and resources and were geared toward being educational while some apps such as “circle of 6” have similar traits to the proposed idea (Summers). The user will download the app and choose six trusted friends. When they are in a dangerous situation, in two easy clicks they can send a pre-written message to those friends with their location. This app recognized that the resources and programs out there that the colleges were using, were not actually being used by students. Getting into the realm of technology allows a college to better connect with the needs and wants of a new generation while still providing valuable resources that could help keep them …show more content…
It will be also rated one the amount of downloads it gets and the amount of people who regularly use the app. The more people that are actively using it, the better chances of success the app has. As mentioned before, a survey will be utilized in order to get feedback on the app and how people feel it is working on campus and if they feel it has made campus a safer place. Overall, the main indicator of success for Cat Call is if people feel safe in going about their daily lives. If the app is able to do that, then it is a success. The day that you let sexual violence control your life and restrict what you want to do, then we have lost. Cat Call pushes us in the right