Catcher In The Rye Essays: How Holden Portrays Himself

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Based on the way Holden describes himself, and the way he portrays himself, seems as if he was a mature grown up man. According to Holden, half of his head is occupied by white hairs, while on the other half was his natural hair color. He states that he has a deep voice and is quite tall for his age. To add on, the attitude that Holden has towards life, is very negative as if he was a grumpy old man, that gave up before he had started anything. Despite the way he looks, and how he acts for his age,Holden is told he, “... still act sometimes like I was only about twelve. Everybody says that, especially my father” (Salinger 12). This comment that Holden receives from people a lot indicates that they see him differently, then the way he views