Catcher In The Rye Research Paper

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The Annals of America Volume 17 1950-1960 Cold War In The Nuclear Age 1953-first commercial color telecast 1951-Catcher in the Rye April 10, 1952-Federal Communications Commission ends ban on building new television broadcasting stations and allows more than 2,000 new stations to open About 65 million watch the presidential nominating conventions this year 1952-Hollywood develops 3D movie techniques:special eyeglasses 1952-Off broadway theater begins to grow with revival of Tennessee Williams Summer and Smoke 100 off broadway productions, 34 more than on broadway 1953- Cigarette sales decline because Dr. Alton Ochsner reports than increase in lung cancer is due to smoking. But 1955 sales rise again, esp. filter cigarettes 1954-Under grant …show more content…

-26 comic book publishers adopt voluntary code to eliminate from their lists obscene, vulgar, and horror comics. Protest against quality of comics is so strong that by 1955 13 states have enacted laws to control their content-make up 35% of newsstand sales. -Largest immunization test, Dr. Jonas E. Salk begins vaccinating elementary school pupils with newly developed inactivated virus antipoliomyelitis vaccine. 2480000 children take part in test. 60-90% effective. So President Eisenhower signs Poliomyelitis Vaccination Assistance Act, which authorizes the U.S. Public Health Service to give $30 million to states for purchase of vaccine. Polio cases which have been rising sharply for almost a generation drop sharply to about half in 1952, figured to be result of vaccine. 1956-Oral vaccine is developed:fastest acting and easier to administer-found to protect community as well as individuals 1955-United Automobile workers sign contract with Ford Motor Company, and 6 days later with General Motors Corporation providing for pay during