Categorical Imperative Examples

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The categorical imperative tells us to act in accordance with principles that we will and universal laws. My personal ethical maxim always contains the reasons under which someone acts; in the above examples, the reasons are recuperate, avoid penalties, maintaining a good reputation and respect others. What the categorical imperative does is tell us if our reasons for action are good or bad. The first tell you that we maintain a good reputation is a bad reason to keep promises and do it out of respect for others is a good reason. So, "keeping promises", for example, is not a well formed high because not specify the reasons someone has to act this way.
The categorical imperative means: when you want to do something if you always think I'm doing is good for all mankind. So we must behave as we enter the Categorical Imperative, only then will we be real people, autonomous and free.

Kantian ethics is included within the ethical duty to self that can justify and support the moral correctness of an action in their good consequences. Instead of the consequences, the …show more content…

There are different kinds of goods; and according to the activity carried everyone will want to get the good. And also different purposes, which may be partial and are subordinate to last character. For example a doctor who heals a wound and immediately to restore the patient's health has the ultimate goal end. For my ethical philosophy based on Rights, so-called "human rights" seem to have much with ethics and morality. Why not call them rights and duties, for example? The question reaches full strength from the coordinates as many different ways, they tend to see the distinction between the terms "ethics &morality"on the one hand, and"right" on the other, as a