An Analysis Of St. Catherine's Letters By Luongo

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When describing the Saint’s letters, Luongo states that “the paramount theme of Catherine’s letters (as well as her Libro) is love. (…) For Catherine, the chief vice and source of all vices is self-love, which clouds the intellect (…). Catherine was illiterate and only learned to write at the age of 23, in 1370. Before this, she dictated all her letters to a scribe. Of all of her letters, 385 have survived until today and been preserved. Her letters were her first steps as a female writer. She knew that her written words would be undying and could inspire people after her spoken words had faded. She promoted her letters to be read by all, not just by the addressee, so that her words could influence as many as possible. Through her letters, St. Catherine was able to address anyone, anywhere, in a direct and intimate way, crossing geographical, class and gender boundaries. In …show more content…

Catherine’s letters expressed the scope and prestige of the space (…) within which Catherine’s saintly authority was meant to be recognized. ” This is a very blunt manner of establishing a respectful relationship between herself and her correspondents, while proclaiming the truth of her knowledge. These men and women were mighty figures and Catherine master the exchanging in a compelling manner, proving to all readers that she is worthy of their correspondence. She manifested that respect is due to her also, not just to the addressees. Catherine wrote God’s word to the people, by which she enacted God will to deliver his Word. St. Catherine was greatly courageous and patient as her letters prove. She was tolerant and loving, she plead and demanded all people to listen to her