Catholic Beliefs On Scripture There are many different beliefs and viewpoints on religion, or a higher being beyond our knowledge to fabricate. Religion is difficult to define because it is not a single thing. To make things simpler, let us only focus on the Catholic aspect of religion. Why Catholicism one might ask? Jesus founded the Catholic Church himself and his words and actions still echo through His disciples who still continue to carry out his mission to this day. Catholics believe in only one mighty God, who sent His beloved Son down to Earth to open up the Heavens and give us the grace of the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Church invites each and every person, regardless of color, race, gender, or even religion, to come and join …show more content…
No. The Bible is God’s Word, but biblical writers that God choose to that had the enormous responsibility of writing the Bible were merely inspired by God and given the grace of the a Holy Spirit. One can be assured when the Church says that no group of random human beings came up with a bonanza of nonsense that happens to be the leading book bought, and stolen, in the world to this day. Anyways, the Bible is there for us. “To read Sacred Scripture means to turn to Christ for advice” (St. Francis of Assisi). Unfortunately, for first comers the Bible can be very daunting in its complexity. The Bible Catholics mainly use is called the New American Bible (NAB or NABRE). As contextualists, Catholics will focus on the spiritual sense, what God is saying, allegorical sense, what to believe, moral sense, how to live a good life, and anagogical sense, which is anything related on how to getting to heaven. These theologians will spend years studying, gathering information, and putting together history to get background info that pertains to unraveling the whole truth Jesus Christ wanted to reach to us. Anyone could simply pick up the Bible and not get the most value out of it because they did not understand how to use it. The Bible ultimately leads us closer to our best