Catholic Church Response To Euthanasia Essay

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This report analyzes the Catholic Church’s response to the contemporary ethical issue euthanasia, as influenced by Catholic Ethical Principals, along with the wider implications of the response. Ethics is a system of moral principles. It involves distinguishing what is right or wrong. The basis of Catholic ethical principles is in Genesis 1:27, "So God created mankind in his own image”, hence humans are sacred. Ethics is interlinked with morality. Morality is a set of beliefs on what is good and bad. Ethics and morality are important when we make decisions about contemporary ethical issues, and our conscience guides us as we make these decisions. We are given the ability by God to work out right from wrong and hence have a responsibility to …show more content…

It is an ethical issue, as it raises moral dilemmas about the boundaries of human life, challenging our views on whether killing can ever be justified. Because of the subjective nature of the reasons for euthanasia, like ‘quality of life’ or ‘how much can a human suffer’ or ‘freedom of choice’, euthanasia is a highly controversial bioethical issue. There are ongoing discussion on a political, medical and personal level surrounding euthanasia and its legalization. Euthanasia or assisted suicide is legal in countries like Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland. Currently, euthanasia is illegal in New Zealand. In 2012, Labor MP Maryan Street introduced an “End Of Life Choice Bill” into parliament, which will allow euthanasia if a person has a terminal illness likely to cause death within 12 months, or a condition making their life unbearable. Although the bill was dropped, there is increasing public pressure to legalize euthanasia. A 2013 New Zealand Herald Poll showed that 60.5 % of those interviewed support voluntary euthanasia . Thus, euthanasia is an ongoing contemporary world issue; its legalization becoming more and more likely

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