Catholic Church Vs Islamic Religion Essay

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Religion was an integral part of society in the medieval era. This caused religion to become involved in society, and ultimately led to religion becoming instrumental in preserving the knowledge of the ancients, of conserving this classical learning, and saving it from being lost forever. The two religions that contributed to this preservation of ancient knowledge were Islam and the Catholic Church. The first religion that will be discussed is Islam. Islam scholarship helped preserve information from the ancient past that was almost entirely lost. After the decentralization of Roman authority in Africa, Spain, and the middle-east, Islam conquered these lands with the sword, unifying those that converted under one religion. The lands Islam …show more content…

During this Golden Age, much of Islam’s contribution to the preservation of classical learning came in the form of the sciences and mathematics. For instance, “the biomedical sciences of the Arabic-Islamic world underwent remarkable development during the 8th to 13th centuries…a flowering of knowledge and intellect… [which] greatly influenced both medical practice and education.” Much of this knowledge came from learning centers and libraries in their cities. Apparently overtime, “progress was made in astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, and other fields of science,” but much of this progress was “based on previous initiatives taken by the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, Persians, Greeks, and Romans.” This shows that Islam managed to preserve these scientific and mathematical ponderings of the ancients and turn them into something new, and it shows that Islam was instrumental in preserving classical

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