Cause And Effect Essay On 9/11

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When the attacks on 9/11 happened many people died or were injured. On the day of 9/11 almost 3,000 people died and more than 6,000 people were injured. The attacks happened on the World Trade Centers, the Pentagon, and one crashed in a field at Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The crash that I hear most about now is the one that happened on the World Trade Centers. I think it was because the buildings collapsed when it happened and it probably seemed a lot more intense. My dad went to work at the Pentagon two months after 9/11. On 9/11/2001 two planes crashed into the World Trade Center buildings. The south tower collapsed first, then almost 30 minutes later the north tower collapsed. The planes were hijacked by 10 terrorists( five on each …show more content…

He also said that if we intervened another country they would probably try to push us out. More simple theories people came up with are just that al-Qaeda just wants to get rid of all americans. It is still unsure why they attacked us, maybe for both reasons and a lot more. After 9/11, enlistments for the military went up, but only modestly. People were hurt, scared and feared what would happen next in America. It wasn’t until President Bush assured everyone that the terrorist would be caught and dealt with. Congress decided to declare war on Iraq after 9/11. Over a decade later the war fell down with less than one percent of the nation deploying in Iraq between 2001 to 2011. Months before 9/11 C.I.A. noticed terrorist were starting to disappear almost as if in hiding for the preparation of the attack. The C.I.A. kept on trying to tell and warn the White House repeatedly that an attack would clearly strike. No one chose to speak about it publicly for fear that they did not want the al-Qaeda terrorist to know they have been warned. Despite the White House having the warnings the 9/11 planes still hit the WTC and the

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