Cause And Effect Essay On 9/11

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September 11, 2001, a day which will forever be remembered as one of the worst days that Americans have ever experienced. Many people lost their loved ones and lost their families. More than 3,000 people were killed and over 6,000 people were injured. This event was the largest and caused the most fatalities on United States soil in modern American history. 9/11 will be remembered and it will be talked about forever. The events of 9/11 first occurred at 8:45am eastern time, when American Airlines flight #11, crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. The events that caused this tragedy actually began much earlier, with the careful planning of Osama Bin Laden. Osama Bin Laden was born on March 10, 1957 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. …show more content…

The planes were all hijacked at different locations and at different times. Two of the planes that were hijacked were flown into the World Trade Center. The other two hijacked planes, were flown to two different locations, one was flown into the Pentagon and the other crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. All of the attacks occurred within about an hour and a half time span. During that short time span, thousands of families and peoples lives changed forever. Families did not have some of their family members come home that day and many loved ones were lost and injured from the …show more content…

It was taken over above Albany, New York at 8:42am. This United Airlines flight 175 had five hijackers on board. At 9:03am, flight 175 crashed into the south face of the south tower of the World Trade Center. The plane hit the World Trade Center between the floors 77 and 85 and parts of the plane fell to the ground. Some of the wreckage from the plane was located six blocks away from the attack. At 9:59am, the south tower of the World Trade Center collapsed and fell to the ground. The tower fell 56:00 minutes after it was first struck by the

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