Cause And Effect Essay On D Day Normandy

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D’Day is one of the largest, most deadly invasions of all time. It was the surprise attack on France, It was the attack to change the tide of the war. Before D’Day Germany had complete control of France and most of Europe, D’Day was the Allies’ attempt regain Europe and trigger the fall of the Axis Powers. On June 6th,1944 one hundred and fifty six thousand (156,000) American, British and Canadian Soldiers stormed the five beaches, being gunned down before they even took a step. Ten thousand, two hundred and forty nine (10,249) casualties have been recorded as this number continues to climb by the day. Of these casualties around six thousand six hundred (6600) of them were American. The D’Day Invasion was intended to hit Normandy Beach the hardest. Normandy was split into five sections each organized individually to make the most of the Allies’ push into France. …show more content…

The Allied Invasion was a complete success, they were able to make their attack quick while the troops protecting France were small in number and not expecting attack. Prior to the invasion The Allies serving under General Patton, created a diversion. This deception was directed to confuse the Axis into thinking the invasion was to take place elsewhere. Known as “Patton’s Ghost Army”, its main goal was to convince the Axis command into believing that the Allied invasion would land in either Greece or the countries of Norway or Denmark. Because the Germans and other Axis troops did not know where the invasion would hit, they divided and tried to cover as much South Eastern European coastline as possible. This was great for the allied powers because they could strike at anytime and not have to face the whole Axis army full