Cause And Effect Essay On Night By Elie Wiesel

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Imagine being woken up at sunrise every morning to the sound of an excruciatingly loud bell and people already yelling at you, screaming at you, beating you, and treating you like you are a piece of garbage. During the holocaust millions of Jews and thousands of other people in concentration camps had to deal with that kind of torture every day. The Holocaust impacted the whole world by being one of the worst periods of time to date, ruining millions of people's lives due to the starvation, time spent in the camps, and the brutal living conditions they had to deal with. To begin with, the time spent in the concentration for some people was incredible. In some cases, people would spend 2 to 3 years in a concentration camp, but for those few unlucky souls, they could spend up to 12 YEARS in an array of concentration camps. That is almost as much time as we spent in school from kindergarten all the way to 11th grade. From the excerpt “Night by Elie Wiesel” the text states “ Our Blockälteste has not been outside a concentration camp since 1933.” The …show more content…

In the morning they had coffee, or boiled water with what looked like coffee beans. That is what they had for breakfast.Period. For lunch, the survivors ate a very watered down soup with the ingredients consisting of potatoes, rutabagas, and flower. To top it all off, for dinner the prisoners ate bread, a little piece of sausage, and a tablespoon of either marmalade or cheese. The picture of the holocaust survivors shows how little they ate. They had to eat as much as possible, though because if the Nazis thought they were weak they would execute them. “Food was scarce, and the daily meal amounted to a piece of bread and what Mandelbaum describes as soup made out of grass.” From the text “A Holocaust Survivor, Spared by Gas Chamber By A Twist Of Fate”. The starvation impacted the prisoners maybe more than anything