Cause And Effect Essay On The Black Death

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The Black Death caused many problems on its rampage around the planet in the 1300’s. Spreading across the continents with terrifying speed and wiping out mass amounts of population in every area it hit. Causing entire towns to be wiped out and family abandoning one another. The death rates climbed so high that mass burials to be started. The Black Death started being noticed and worried about in 1346, causing mass panic and hysteria. Catching it was a death sentence, if you caught the Black Death you had three days at best to live. The Black Death is believed to have originated in Asia. It was inside the rodent population and stayed there until fleas bit rodents and then proceeded to bite people. Once the Black Death was inside the human population there was no stopping it. It spread like wild fire all over the eastern continents. Before the Black Death reached Europe it had spread from China to India, Persia, Syria, and Egypt. Moreover claims that “The Black Death arrived in Europe by sea in October 1347 when 12 Genoese trading ships docked at the Sicilian …show more content…

The sick could also suffer from fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and chills. Few people ever survived receiving the Black Death, most people died within the next three days ("Plague, Plague Information, Black Death Facts, News, Photos – National Geographic." 1). The Black Death was not just one disease it came in three diverse types, the first being the bubonic the most common form, the second is septicaemic which attacks the blood, and last the pneumonic which attacks the lungs and can be transmitted through the air ("Plague, Plague Information, Black Death Facts, News, Photos – National Geographic." 1). The Black Death got its name from the black spots it causes to appear on peoples skin. Additionally

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