Cause And Effect Of Persuasive Essay On Mass Shootings

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When my dad and his generation were in school, they often had duck and cover drills. Their generation’s threat was nuclear war from a foreign entity. As a senior in high school, my classmates and I often have lockdown drills. Our threat is not from a far away place. Our potential threat can come from our own community. In my lifetime, the news has shown me a movie theater in Colorado shot up. It has shown me elementary schools and universities shot up. It has shown me the city streets of Dallas shot up and even a workplace in California. For years, I have seen other communities torn apart because of gun violence and I have seen our federal government do nothing about it. Of course, I, and many others, never want to see mass shootings appear as breaking news on our TVs and cellphones, but it keeps happening. And the very last thing I ever want to see is something like what happened at …show more content…

New Hampshire must make it more difficult for mentally ill people and others who can be a threat to our safety to obtain. There are currently no requirements for purchasing firearms. Only federal law regulates machine gun ownership. It is even legal to carry firearms into restaurants. The NRA, my source for these facts, boasts about New Hampshire’s weak and barely there gun regulations and restrictions.
As someone who comes from a family with a father who is an avid gun collector, I feel like I have enough knowledge on gun safety, so guns are not an issue in my household. However, as reported by PBS in 2016, at least one child died every other day from gun related accidents in the first six months of 2016. This is why I would like to see legislation concerning gun safety and education for those who wish to own and carry firearms. This certainly doesn’t impede on anyone 's second amendment right, it can simply give people the knowledge that they may not possess on how to be responsible gun