Cause And Effects Of The Holocaust

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The holocaust occurred during World War II from January 30th, 1933 to May 8th, 1945. The holocaust was they worst genocide in history, it was a very horrific time for many people and is still a very devastating event for people. Adolf Hitler leading the Germans to hate and despise the Jewish people. Holocaust is the name given to the mass murders and genocide by Hitler.
The historical setting leading up to the holocaust was the worldwide Great Depression as well as global Influenza epidemic. Germans were out of work, hungry and sick. Adolf Hitler came to power because of the political uncertainty which caused there to constantly be an election, until Hitler won power. Hitler won by giving the people someone to hate and unite with him against a common enemy. This enemy was the Jewish people. Hitler created the “enemy” by lying about who they were, he called them dirty rats and said they were greedy. The hate of Jewish people is known as anti-Semitism. Hitler wanted a perfect race and this meant that he could not have sick, old, disabled and Jewish people. Instead of merely deporting these people Hitler committed genocide and he killed up to 7 million Jews. …show more content…

The most common of the ways Hitler killed the victims of the holocaust was to gas them by taking them to camps and gassing them in chambers, people were also gassed in the back of vans that were driven by the Nazis which are Hitler’s soldiers. The camps had many names including concentration camps and Nazi death camps, the victims of the holocaust were also killed in mass shootings. Russians and Americans in 1945 discovered and entered these concentration camps. For survivors of the holocaust the rebuilding that they needed to do, to their homes, families and selves mentally emotionally and physically was