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Root cause for deforestation
Effect of deforestation on earth
The impact of deforestation
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Deforestation has led to another of many reasons of global warming and low rainfall, which can affect crops for farmers. How it affects resources, services and finance and etc- In resources, deforestation provides a lot of different type of oil, like palm oil and lumber, cattle ranching, farming, buildings, paper, homes, furniture and urbanization. Even though it decreases a natural resources, many different types of other resources are created as a result. Since it provides people with enterprise, it can benefit the distribution of trade with other countries, and increase job opportunities.
Deforestation is still an unbeleafable issue even to this day. With our trees being cut down to make supplies and furniture, we struggle with keeping our ratio of trees being destroyed and trees being planted equal. It seems like that was also the case in the past. There was a significant amount of trees being cut down in 1920, the land looking much more barren than it did in 1650 (Document A, map). These trees, some of them taking more than three thousand years to rise tall, are being cut down.
When this happens it causes adverse effects on the environment. It can be done in a variety of ways from cutting to burning. Either way mass deforestation is bad and needs to stop before it is too late. One culprit of our deforestation is
Thank you Aunt Bessie for giving me the opportunity to learn about the progressive era and letting me give your money to the three reforms I chose. I was very intrigued when I started researching about these four progressive reforms. Some things I found out were atrocious and the others just plain out disgusting. Although women 's suffrage is a huge issue, deforestation, child labor, and food safety struck me the most deserving. The progressive era was a time from about 1900 to 1920.
The Brazilian Amazon is home to 40% of the world’s tropical rainforest. Incidentally, it also has the world’s fastest rate of deforestation. Tropical Rainforests around the world are lost at the rate of one acre per second with the average rate of Brazilian Amazon being such that 2 million hectares of forest land are cleared every year. There are multiple causes for this extensive rate of deforestation and this paper will address four such causes namely (1) rapid population growth, (2) industrial logging and mining, (3) changing spatial patterns of deforestation, and (4) wildfires. Moreover, there are several Brazilian state policies that encourage deforestation practices of which this paper will look at five key aspects – (1) taxes on agricultural income, (2) rules of land allocation, (3) land taxes, and (4) tax credit schemes and subsidized credits.
Animals and organisms living in a forest where they get all their food, water and where their habitat is located get’s taken over by deforestation, many do not survive because they can’t physically adapt to new an environment quickly enough. According to National Geographic, effects of deforestation in most forests causes a decrease in water and soil quality and it also contributes to climate change. Not only because of the pollution that is produced when the trees are burnt down, but, trees take in carbon dioxide (CO2) and produce clean oxygen, so living organisms can breathe, however, we are slowing cutting off our clean oxygen supply and
They also serve as water catchment areas. Effects of Deforestation Despite their importance, it has been estimated that more than 50 million acres of rainforests are destroyed or seriously degraded every year. 1. Deforestation causes soil erosion, landslides and flash floods During the rain seasons and it rains for a long period of time, the top layer of soil loosens and slide down which cause landslides.
When deforestation occurs, the wood of trees releases extensive amounts of carbon dioxide that only adds onto the greenhouse effect. An example of deforestation comes in the form of urbanization and the act to industrialize further within a country. In the last thirty years, India’s forest only covers 21 percent of the nation (23,716 Industrial Projects, 2016). Based on governmental information and data, lands are being curbed aside in order to organize commercial projects. These acts aren’t just happening in India.
When large areas of trees are cut down, the earth loses an important source of oxygen. Forests act as carbon sinks that absorb the carbon dioxide that builds up in the atmosphere. Deforestation also affects the microclimate of an area as evaporative cooling is lost. The loss of canopy leads to a decrease in rainfall in the area. This can effect crop production which is essential due to the growing population of the world.
These effects of deforestation are obviously very bad, but there is one major positive effect of cutting down trees: it will help the economy. In developing countries, cutting down trees and selling their lumber could potentially become a major source of revenue for the government. In addition, they will also have more space to build things such as farms, which will boost the economy by giving more people
It would therefore be more realistic to encourage all parties involved in the process of deforestation to manage the resources of the forest in a sustainable way. This means that the usage of the methods of clear-cutting and burning would have to be eliminated if the forest ecosystem is to be able to remain intact. If certain trees need to be cut down, however, then theses should be replaced by enough young trees which can fill the same role to an equal extent as the ones which are cut down. Here it’s important to acknowledge that it’s impossible to eliminate deforestation completely since the growing population puts a high demand for more land which is used for agricultural purposes. Therefore the solution must include keeping a balance between deforestation and efforts of reforestation, sustainable management of forests and respecting the integrity of protected
One and a half acres of forest is cut down per second for our own needs. If the current rate of deforestation continues then it won 't take long before we destroy all rain forests on earth. The reasons for deforestation in the Amazon include agriculture, Cattle ranching, logging, mining, oil companies, and dams. There are over 121 different natural remedies that can be found in the rain forest that could be used as medicines. Not only do we use the rain forests for products and land space but we also get oxygen out of it.
The atmosphere becomes more dry and the climate starts to get warmer. With less trees, areas can now dry out and become barren. This could drastically change the species lives living in those areas. Species that live in places where deforestation occurs are victims of the negative effects it has on the environment (TS). According to The World Counts, “70% of our world’s plant and animal species live in forests,” and when deforestation happens, animals lose their habitats.
Sustainable forest management requires three major criteria which are the maintenance of ecological processes within the forest (soil formation, energy flow, biogeochemical cycles (carbon, nutrient and hydrological cycles), maintenance of biodiversity of forest, improving the net social benefits derived from the mixture of forest uses within the constraints by considering the future. Forest provides habitats for more than half of the fauna and flora on the Earth (SCBD, 2001). Forest biome plays an important role in mitigating climate change by serving as carbon sinks (Hassan et al., 2005). Forest land is the most fundamental natural resources which become reduced mainly due to anthropogenic pressures. For proper management of land, it is essential to have information about existing land cover and about the naturalness of the land.
Hence, deforestation increases. This is another effect of overpopulation that impacts the worsening of the environment [2]. For example decreased forest size increases the amount of carbon in the environment. More specifically, deforestation affects the wildlife and results in biodiversity loss and species extinction [1].