Causes Of Industrial Revolution In Britain

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Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain and the key factors are the technological advances that were invented. The social, economic and political changes in the preceding centuries in Great Britain subsidized. Whereas totalitarianism stayed the normal form of power execution through most parts of Europe, institutions ensured property rights and political safety to the people in the UK after the Glorious Revolution of 1688. Aided by these legal and cultural foundations, an capitalist spirit and consumer revolution drove industrialisation in Britain, which would be emulated in countries around the world.
However, historians continue to debate when and how exactly such a "revolution" took place and of what factors propelled this turning point. According to G.E. Mingay states that there were a "profusion of agricultural revolutions, one for two centuries before 1750, another emphasising the century after 1650, a third for the period 1750-1880, and a fourth for the middle decades of the nineteenth century"
In 1700, Small farms covered England’s landscape. Rich landlords, however begun procuring more of the land in the community and built fences around the land which is called enclosures. Farming was feudal since the Middle Ages. In the old open field system, many maintenance farmers collected strips of land in large fields held in common and divided the produce. They typically worked under the auspices of the aristocracy or the Catholic Church, who owned much of the