Cautioning The Role Of Icarus In Greek Mythology

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In Greek mythology, Icarus is the son of the genius craftsman Daedalus. Daedalus had a number of successful projects under his name, including the construction of the astonishing Labyrinth used to imprison the mighty Minotaur, a half man, half bull creature. According to legend, the Labyrinth was so cunningly designed that Daedalus, himself, barely made it out after completion. While imprisoned on Crete with his son, Icarus, Daedalus constructed two pairs of wings which he would then use to escape. Cautioning Icarus, of the extreme risks involved, Daedalus first warns him of “complacency and then of hubris.” explicitly warned his son to not deviate from his father’s flight path, if Icarus were to fly too high the wax would melt, resulting