Ce 341 Highway Design Case Study

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1 CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CE 341 Transportation Engineering Highway Design Project Dr. Wael Alhajyaseen Due date 3rd of May. 2015 You will locate a two lane highway between the two points (A&B) given on the attached map. A typical cross-section of this road is attached. The standards to be used in this road are as follows: Design Speed = 50km/h Min. Radius = 125 m. (Do not use smaller radius) Max slope = 8% Side Slope (see figure) Land Width = 3.5 m Shoulder Width = 2 m. For Printing: 1. Print on (A2) papers 2. Use a scale of (1/10000) for horizontal alignment, and (1/200) for vertical alignment. Requirements 1. Horizontal Alignment: a. Connect the two points shown in your map using the most favorable route. You should include at least on horizontal curve in your design. First draw the spiral sections and …show more content…

Ve = L* (A1+A2)/2 Case II: One cross section in cut (or fill) the following in fill (or cut). For this case first find the distance where the cut (or fill ends and fill starts using the following approximation). Station (0+100) Elevation 10 20 30 40 50 60 4 x = A1L/ (A1+A2) Then you can calculate the volume of cut and fill as follows: Cut = A1 x/2 and Fill = A2 (L-x)/2 Using these volumes prepare a table as given on the attached table (use metric measures). This table is used in preparation of what is known as, mass diagram. Notice that embankment volumes are adjusted to excavation volumes dividing by swell or shrinkage factors because when earth is excavated its volume change. When preparing this table take embankment (fills) quantities as negative and excavation (cuts) quantities as positive. Finally using the last column (mass curve ordinate) and stations draw the mass-curve. Hints: see the following example. You can get the whole Excel file in the following link: http://www.webs1.uidaho.edu/niatt_labmanual/Chapters/roadwaydesign/theoryandconcepts/Earthwork.htm 5. Write a short report on your

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