Celebrity Impact On Society

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Introduction In the 21st century, the impact of celebrity culture on society, especially on young people, has come under scrutiny (Fairclough, 2015). As media entertainment such as movies, music, and other online socials has reached in the society easier and more worldwide, anyone can access to the media. It might sound convenience to reach the world but in the same time it could cause negative impact on consumer who use it in the wrong way, especially teenagers and young adults. Kyu Ho Youm, Professor and Jonathan Marshall First Amendment Chair, University of Oregon said "Media Law and Policy in the Internet Age represents a significant addition to the still limited literature on how we should approach media freedom globally” (Weisenhaus, …show more content…

“Researchers say many teenagers are emulating celebrity idols like Mischa Barton, Lindsay Lohan, Hilary Duff, and Chris Martin (the lead singer of Coldplay), some scarcely out of their teens themselves, to cultivate an impression of maturity” (La Ferla, 2006, para. 11). As such, this exploratory paper attempts to define and examine the positive and negative impacts of celebrity on audiences’ self esteem, the emotional evaluation and attitude towards themselves by focusing on Hollywood actors influence on university students. For the purpose of this study, self esteem define as a confidence and satisfaction in oneself : self-respect. Hollywood actors are most admirable and well-known, also easily reach consumers with their appearance on american movies. According to pre survey of top ten most powerful and highest income of hollywood actors had done by 336 students from Business English Communication program in Thammasat University. As a result, there are top four most favorite celebrities which are Leonardo Dicaprio, Zac Efron, Emma Watson, and Jennifer Lawrence. They could be an effective influencers on audience self …show more content…

Sociometer theory proposes that self-esteem is a barometer of one's past, present, and future perceived relational value. People high in self-esteem (HSEs) feel that they were, are, and will be valued by others, whereas people low in self-esteem (LSEs) doubt their value as relational partners, and project these doubts onto future relationships (see Leary et al., 1995; Murray, Holmes, & Collins, 2006). This theory measure self esteem in responding (accepting or rejecting) with others based on their own self-evaluation and self-decision. With this theory, university students will be investigated on their prediction of decision on interaction and relationship with others such as peers and lovers. This study will help on classify students with high esteem and low self esteem according to the impact of celebrities