Congenital Malformation Essay

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An origin is an integral part of every great development and in veterinary medicine, the relevance of studying the origin of an organism is vital in order to fully understand the biology of an animal.
Cell development, its function and characteristics mandates the principal association with physiological organization of an organism. It is the foundation of all medical theory and application.
The objective of this chapter is for future practitioners to know and understand embryogenesis, cell differentiation, and the embryonic period. Also the definition of the cells and events that comprise fertilization.

Developmental anatomy supplies the information needed in order to appreciate the development of an embryo, its normal function, …show more content…

The cavity of the tube (neural cavity) develops the ventricles of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord.

Neural crest cells develop those neurons of peripheral nervous system (PNS) that have their cell bodies located in ganglia. They also become Schwann cells of the PNS. Additionally, neural crest cells become adrenal medulla cells, melanocytes of skin and a variety of structures in the face.

The study of embryology and the development of congenital malformation is great significant in the field of veterinary medicine. In order to understand the reason of an existing anatomical defect of an organism/animal, we have to understand its origin and development.
This chapter stimulates an awareness in future practitioners that congenital malformations/disorders are etiological factor to be consider in making diagnosis.
As a future veterinarian in practice it is inevitable that we are going to encounter clients with disorder/malformations, and owners that are eager to understand the reason behind their pet’s condition. And it is the duty of future practitioners to be knowledgeable in order to enlighten the condition further.


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