Cell Phone Satire

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Kang 1 4/c Paul Kang LCDR Millard Introduction to English Communications 2101 25 November 2014 Word Count: Cell Phones: The harbinger of society With a recent boom in the technology industry, America today is becoming more and more reliant on their hi-tech devices. Some argue that they are improving our way of life and providing more advanced methods of accomplishing tasks. In the medical field, the advancement of machines are allowing more efficient healthcare for patients as well as advancements in medicines and diseases. However, others claim that technology dependence is killing this generation because it takes back many different aspects of life. Cellphones are destroying the teenager’s way of life because it provides itself with distractions …show more content…

As society as a whole, it is deteriorating us as we are losing our ways to do things “the old ways” and if we continue this process, our lives will be extremely difficult if technology ever fails us. We must decrease and thwart our usage of mobile devices or we will be sucked into a vortex of technological dependence which will deteriorate our future as a nation. In 2014, it was recorded that “90% of American adults down a cell phone” (PewResearch). Among those 90%, over 58% of those Americans own a smart phone. As technology improves and advances, more and more people are buying the latest products, which is the reason for the increase in sales of smartphones. Apple itself recorded around 169 million dollars from the sales of iPhones and other Apple products. However, these sales can only lead to more problems. A medical study has shown that the amount of cell phone usage in the United States is detrimental to their health. According to Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum, an Indian technician studying the negative effects cell phones has on the human body, explains that cell phones can cause an increase of the radiation inside the brain. Doctor Kshetrimayum says that the most cell phones especially the iPhone contain a lithium battery, which can leak radiation if the phone overheats or has exposure to too much heat. However, he says that this is not as significant of a problem, but fears that an increase in usage might present adversity in the future. “The radiation from mobile phones deposits very little energy in the human head, and therefore the rise in temperature is only a fraction of a degree (Kshetrimayum 2).” Although studies show that it may lead to cancer, the FCC cannot prove that it does, but it raises some concern for the future. Cellphones are not only detrimental to your physical health, but also has a negative effect on your daily life as it consumes your daily

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