Center For Students With Disabilities Essay

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Table of Contents Introduction
The objective of this Faculty Guide to the Center for Students with Disabilities is to promote a better understanding of how to work with students who have a disability, and to develop a relationship with EPCC Faculty based on a well-established communication. In this faculty guide we will address some of the most important topics regarding CSD. Finally, we will provide some key points and ideas on what to do while working with some of our students.

CSD Mission Statement
The Center for Students with Disabilities provides students, regardless of disability, if otherwise qualified, an equal opportunity to complete their educational goals through the provision of accommodations based upon their individual …show more content…

The objective of “people-first” language is to promote a respectful way in which we can refer to a person who has a disability without taking away their dignity as a human being. By placing the person first rather than the disability, you are highlighting their dignity, values, capabilities and their individuality. This is why we would like to provide some examples of “people-first” language:
People-First Language Not using People-First language
People with disabilities The handicapped, the disabled
People who are blind, person who is visually impaired The blind
Person with physical disability A cripple
Person of short stature, little person A dwarf, a midget
Student who receives special education services Special ed student, special education student
Accessible parking, bathrooms, etc. Handicapped parking, bathrooms, etc.
*Adapted from the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities (2013)

accommodations or modifications
Working with students who have a disability often requires modifications or accommodations to be provided.
Unfortunately, these two words are often