Cerner Corporation Swot Analysis

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Cerner Corporation is a provider of health information technology solution, services, devices and hardware headquarters located Kansas City, Missouri. To identify to the company internal and external factors I conduct a SWOT analysis to analyze the company strengths, opportunities, weakness and threats. While Cerner has numerous strengths including the company size and skills, the wide range of customer base, leading interoperability and service portfolio. They also have weakness including limitation of liability, long term process implementation, healthcare unknown changes and U.S market dependence. Furthermore the opportunities for the company in 2015 is Siemens Healthcare Services Acquisition, iCenta, mobility, internet of things and pipeline growth. Lastly the company could face some threats such as data security, heavy regulations, unsuccessfully …show more content…

Cerner produced $10.31 net income that was a good return rate investment compared to the industry 2.38 ratio and McKesson Corp was 3.70. The firm is managing their assets very well. The company is growing but the debt to equity compared to the McKesson Corp. (110.65%) and industry (67.45%) is very low. Cerner seem to have their debit in control which is 16.12%. To determine the liquidity of the company I use the current ratio current assets over current liabilities which came out to be 2.42% The Company portrays a strong current ration compared to McKesson (1.11%) and Lockheed Martin Corp (1.16%) Although compared to the industry they close. The industry current ratio was 2.02 %. According to Cerner Corporation (2014a), Cerner finished the year strong financially, operationally and strategically. Which also mean a good year for the shareholders. The company is doing great compared to the industry Liquidity, Debt and Profitability. The company is seeing a great return in the money they investing into growth of the

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