Challenges In The American Automobile Industry During The Period Of 2008 And 2010

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The American automobile industry faced many challenges during the period of 2008 and 2010. Some of those challenges were as follows: Changes to Fuel Efficiency Standards and the effects of emissions of CO2 and GHG (Greenhouse Gas Emissions) Costs to implement new technology and re-tool their factories to meet those standards Competition from Asian and European countries to provide fuel efficient vehicles Increased fuel costs due the cost of oil increasing Background on Environmental Impacts from Auto Industry: Brakes and tire debris account for 10-11 million vehicles are taken out of service/year in the USA. Brakes and tire debris also contribute to air emissions, climate change, and fuel economy issues. The black carbon in tires/brakes attributes to lung toxicity hazards. Sixty two percent of the paintings/coatings of vehicles contain nickel, copper, hexavalent chromium and are considered toxic and …show more content…

The Unites States Emissions were CO2 were targeted for 95 grams/km) for 2020 and 109 grams by 2025 for carbon emissions to reduce air pollution and increase fuel efficiency. Alternative powered vehicles were now a focus to make changes. Bio-diesel fuels account for 27% , petroleum based diesel (20% E85 (20%) versus the 18% of gasoline. Ultimately, 95% of the global transportation sector fuel accounts for 13% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Regulatory Changes The US Environmental Protection Act was implemented in the early 1970’s and the Clean Air Act was enacted in early 1970. Interestedly, California was the first state to require an emissions standard before the 1970 Clean Air Act. The EPA currently tracks six major environmental impacts and aspects facing the US and the automotive emissions is one of them. Some examples of government programs in place to support this are: Emissions Standards Light Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas

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