Change In The Story Of Tom Brennan

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‘The Story of Tom Brennan’ was written in 2005 by Australian author J.C Burke. The author shows through the characters in (TSoTB) that difficult experiences can force people to change. Daniel Brennan pushed his mother Tess and his brother Tom into challenging circumstances, the result of his reckless actions. They dealt with these difficulties in different ways which impacted them both positively and negatively. This occurred after Daniel caused a terrible car crash, killing two and paralysing one. This not only hurt the casualties families but the Brennans family as well. While recovering from the incidents all characters showed numerous examples of change. While Daniel changed through dealing with the consequences of his own actions, Tess …show more content…

After months of little physical activity, caused by the accident and the events after, Tom’s body starts declining. He doesn’t eat as much and stops playing his sport, Rugby. But family and friends bring back Tom’s motivation and he begins running and becomes more invested in rugby, creating noticeable changes to his body. ‘Today I noticed my arms weren’t looking bad. I gave my muscles a flex and there was a bicep sticking up on its own. I felt it. Not bad. Pg.219’ Tom noticing his strength coming back had a deeper meaning in the story, because it was a sign that he was getting himself back. As well as Tom getting impacted physically by the crash, he also has problems mentally. The accident and Tom’s new town brings new challenges which change him in negative ways, and he realises ‘Now I knew what I missed the most. I missed me, Tom Brennan, and that’s why now I could smile, cause I could see he was coming back.Pg 261’ After all that happened, including the move and the accident, Tom lost his spirit and his health. He struggled in making new friendships because Coghill was so different from his home, Mumbilli, and he couldn’t let go of the past. However as the book progressed he began making friends through Rugby and School and started accepting his new life. Further into the story Tom met Chrissy who supported him and helped Tom …show more content…

After the deaths of Luke and Nicole as well as Finn getting severely injured, Daniel was sent to the Crisis Centre and had his whole life was changed. Daniel's anger made him lose everything. His spirit, his health, his relationships and more. ‘The pale thin face, the downcast gaze of his eyes and the slow shuffling step, as though he didn’t have the energy to actually lift his foot off the ground. Pg-138’ Daniel used to be a popular, athletic and confident person, with many friends, but the consequences of his actions and his tendency to get angry easily sent him into prison. Although being in prison helped Daniel recognise his faults it also was hard for him, and he goes downhill before he begins to recover. But finally Daniel starts picking up further into (TSoTB) and his family begins to recognise this. ‘You know, Tom, ‘I never thought I’d say it, but Daniel’s come a long way since then. Pg-271’ Daniel starts to rekindle his relationships with his family, as they visit him more and attends counselling sessions which help improve his mental health. Although the crash changes Daniel's whole personality, he loses friendships and his health goes downhill this ultimately leads to Daniel beginning to change in more positive ways further into the