Changes And Continuities Of The Spread Of Islam Essay

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Between 200 CE and 1453 CE , the Middle East had changed since it was conquering more land and spreading, but things that also changed was the government due to the continuity of Islam spreading. However the spread of Islam maintained its stability as the Arab Empire continued to grow larger but some changes were being made along the road of forming a strong empire. As Prophet Muhammad died, there was a division soon after between the muslims. The role of leadership was fought over since the community had different ideas on who they wanted to lead. But that soon transformed to the Byzantine or Persian Empire with a different idea of leadership. Basically within the region of Saudi Arabia, there was a division between two muslim groups now called Sunni and Shia muslims. Each believed Islam should have a different successor leading to conflicts that link throughout history. Since it led to different parts of history spreading the empire real …show more content…

Especially for men and women. Women were granted many rights after Islam spread, which they haven’t had before the revelation of Islam. For an instance women were of equal status of men. Likewise one of the rights they were provided was that women were allowed to own/sell property and were given their rightly inheritance. But this led to a continuation since in other regions such as Athens or China, muslim women in upper classes were experiencing restrictions as the Islamic civilization was growing and spreading successfully. Elaborating, even if a religion was provided women's rights, there was still some separation of sexes. Such as women praying at home instead of mosques regularly or even building a separate bridge for women. Separation is normal in any civilization, especially when religion is a dominant force politically as well. Like in Russia, the ruler had chosen Eastern Orthodox Christianity which suited their culture the

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