Changes During Modernism

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Modernism is a time in the past where things changed. The time period we're looking at is 1918 to 1945. For example, one thing that changed during Modernism is literature. Literature was changed quite a bit. It went for happy and meaningful to sad and gloomy. Some driving forces behind the start of Modernism, causing these changes, were transportation and jobs. Transportation changed a whole lot. There are cars, trains, and planes. Cars have been around for a while and so have trains. Planes are just getting introduced and people can get around faster. There were trains in the city like elevated railroads and subways. Elevated railroads are railroads that are in the air going over the street. Subways are trains that go underground …show more content…

People still work in factories. Winnebago was invented in 1958. It made thousands of jobs for people, and it came after modernism. Modernism changed all of the U.S. not just parts of it. Another company that was there at the start of modernism is Westinghouse Works. Westinghouse Works made short films. These people that work in factories only know how to do that job. They have a good relationship with their machines. Where is other jobs people know how to do multiple things. Owners of companies know how to run a company and be a business person. If you put these two together, you get pretty much today's society. Most of the people wake up and go to work in their gas or diesel car and most work in a factory of some sort then go home in their car to their family. Modernism is still in today's world. Things have been changed and modified, but it's still the same car, plane and train as it was back then. And not only have they changed in the 1900s but things are still being changed and modernized. Phones are getting bigger and smarter, cars are getting faster and better gas mileage, and planes are faster and bigger. So in the long run, Modernism is still going on, but it really pushed between 1918 and

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