Changes In Stephen Kumalo's Cry, The Beloved Country

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The changes struck before Kumalo had even noticed. In the book” Cry, The Beloved Country” there is a major dynamic character, the protagonist to be exact, this male is titled “Stephen Kumalo”, this wonderful man has experienced various changes throughout the amazing novel. Kumalo has affected the run-on themes and taught the readers quite a few life lessons. However, along with these teachings the readers have caught on to, some main concepts the readers have noticed was his amazing change. In the progress of the Novel, Kumalo has changed greatly, he begun with being unbelievably respectful, then he transitioned to an Unknowing role and finally to an Understanding man.

Respect is something everyone craves. Kumalo, the protagonist is a priest in a small town in Africa, yet this man has various changes throughout his Novel. Kumalo has begun as a respectful man, he carried himself with respect and viewed everyone with the same respect. Kumalo has acknowledged his mistakes and has even displayed the respect he has for his own mistakes, for example, on page forty, a perfect quote can be located----“I am sorry I hurt you, he said. I shall go and pray in the church” in this section, Kumalo has found out his sister had been caught committing sin/crime, along with this the priest will begin searching for the son who had moved to the same city as his runaway sister. This quote shows that Kumalo took responsibility for hurting his wife emotionally and he decided to