Brief Summary Of Film: Racism And Discrimination

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Purpose: The purpose of the documentary is to help understand racism and how it has evolved through slavery. Racism is caused by the fear and uneasy that is caused on a group of people. Europeans/Whites believed that they were of a superior white race.
Message: Racism is evolved through the ignorance and assumptions of individuals, inequality leads to racism as well. Racism can be dehumanizing and can be destructive. Racism is not just against black or Africans but it can be aimed towards anytime of ethnicity.
Summary: Throughout time people of different skin tones have lived together, that does not mean that they necessarily enjoyed each other. European/Whites believed that they had the right and were of higher superiority that they dehumanized blacks and were racist against them, racism is not just against blacks, and it can be aimed towards any ethnicity. Races interbreed having offspring of mixed races, this allows for racism to decrease but is will still exist throughout a culture. The more vulnerable a person is the more inclined they are to be racist.
Cultural awareness: After watching this documentary I was …show more content…

I for example was not fully aware that Europeans thought they were superior. I knew that they had Africans as slaves and how they viewed their slaves but I couldn’t completely grasp the idea that that was why slavery existed. I believe that this is truly how racism came into play. The distinctions between these two groups of people clearly brought about thoughts and an idea of each other causing the European’s to believe that they were better. I do not believe that racism is going to ever completely be diminished but by intermixed marriages and them having children it will get rid of some of the racism. This also causes a problem to the people that believe that each race should stay with its own race; this can cause racism as well. No one will ever be completely

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